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How games are added to player profiles
How games are added to player profiles

Find out how game titles are tagged to player profiles (useful for targeting players experienced in…)

Martin Banwell avatar
Written by Martin Banwell
Updated over a year ago

This article explains the different ways in which games are added or tagged to player profiles.

It’s important that player profiles are updated often to ensure that any playtest which targets players who are familiar with, or have experience with a certain game, delivers results that reflect that specific targeting.

Here’s how games can be added to player profiles:

Players updating their own profile:

When players sign up to test with PlaytestCloud, they’ll add what games they’re currently playing, along with their all-time favorites. At regular intervals, we contact players and ask them to update their profile to reflect their current gaming habits.

Off the back of PlaytestCloud surveys / screeners:

For some playtests, we need to dig a little deeper with our players to ensure that custom targeting requests are accommodated for. In this situation, groups of players will receive a survey from us which can include a question about their current gaming habits. Any game reported in these answers will be added to the player profile automatically.

We can also detect players being dishonest in this process and act accordingly.

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