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Sharing playtest videos with your team
Sharing playtest videos with your team

Sharing playtest access with a colleague or coworker is easy with PlaytestCloud

Christian Ress avatar
Written by Christian Ress
Updated over 3 months ago

There are a couple of ways you can share your playtest videos with your team – either by sharing direct links to the playtest videos or by adding team members to your team account.

Give your colleagues access

Please check the Help Center article adding colleagues to your team account if you would like one or more members of your team to have constant access to the videos in your PlaytestCloud account.

Once granted access to your PlaytestCloud account, your colleagues can view all of your teams playtests at any time.

What about the links?

There are a few ways to share videos with links, but before going into further detail, it's important to know that with PlaytestCloud there is always an option to send a private link.

Private links are great because you can send them to anyone without them needing to sign in. Someone with a private link will be able to see all the videos associated with that playtest – but they cannot place new orders or view any other playtests in your account.

You can use private links to share your playtest with colleagues and external parties alike as the links do not require any authorization – they do however contain a long, random secret in the URL to make it impossible for anyone to guess them.

The links can be shared just as you would any other link; in an instant message, email, Slack message, etc.

Securing your private links with a password

The private link can also be secured with a password that visitors will need to enter before being granted access to the videos. Setting a password is possible from your playtest's results page:

Staying safe when sharing your playtests

While this seamless sharing of videos is important for many teams, your team or organization may have a higher need for security. We offer two options to restrict the use of private links:

  • Enforcing password protection, meaning share links can only be used when an additional, per-playtest sharing password is set

  • Disabling share links entirely, allowing access only for users who are part of your team account

These security options are available to customers on our Professional Advanced and Enterprise plans. Please contact us to request them to be enabled.

Where can I find them?

There are two primary places from which you can send private links:

The easiest way is from within the My Playtests section of PlaytestCloud (in green). As a standard anyone that you share this unique link with will have access; but we can also password protect the links or disable the ability to share upon request. 

  • But it can also be accessed in multiple places from within the video player screen (in red).

  • You can even copy a link to share at a particular point in the video – which is nice if you just want to show someone a specific moment or two within a video.

You can click anywhere you see the "link" symbol to copy a private playtest video link to your clipboard.

You can also click the "envelope" to send a private link through your desktop email program.

Exporting videos and more

Click on the Download button on the top right to access these options.

For every playtest video you have the option to download a copy of the video file (in a standard MP4 format), a CSV file with the annotation data or a PDF summary, which includes all the relevant data from the playtest.

The PDF contains the video duration, tester demographics – including some information on their playing habits – and answers to any survey questions.

Creating video clips & video reels

You can download small segments of playtest videos by clicking on the Create clip button in the video controls bar or in an annotation box. Once you have created clips, you can combine them to make a highlight reel in our Reel builder.

Learn more about video clips and video reels.

Next steps

Questions? Reach out to us by opening the chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen.

Happy playtesting!

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