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Technical Questions

Learn more about the tech behind PlaytestCloud
Can I run a playtest that uses the players in phone camera?For us to set up a playtest using face recording for example, your game must display the recording on the screen among other requirements.
Enabling Facebook Login for Android GamesLetting our players login to your game via Facebook is possible with an easy tweak to your settings.
Setting up Single Sign-on (SSO) with OktaHow to set up SAML2 SSO with Okta as your Identity Provider
Setting up Single Sign On with Google SuiteHow to set up SAML2 SSO with Google Suite as an Identity Provider
Will playtesters be able to interact with players in the live version of my game?Our playtesters will share the live game environment along with your other players
A player recording seems laggy - why?If screen recordings seem laggy, there can be multiple reasons
Android builds that can be testedAlmost all game builds work with PlaytestCloud, but there are some caveats
Does PlaytestCloud support Android App Bundles (AAB) files?Have a build that was created using the .aab file format? Don't sweat it, we can automatically convert that for you.
How to Order Roblox Playtests on PlaytestCloud