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Account and Billing

Subscriptions, billing, invoices, and more
How to allocate Video Tokens between multiple teams
What Is a Video Token?Video Tokens are the currency of the Professional and Enterprise plans.
Is it possible to view my past Video Token usage?You can quickly and easily view your subscription usage under the subscription tab in the options menu.
Which Subscription Plan Should I Choose?Quick guidance on choosing the best plan for your game studio.
How do I upgrade my subscription?Find out how to upgrade your account to the Professional or Enterprise Plan.
How can I cancel my subscription?Cancel your subscription at any time, easy by just a few clicks.
When will my subscription be renewed?Renewals are automatic at PlaytestCloud, unless you inform us of your intent to cancel.
Billing: Payment methods, multiple billing addresses, and moreAvailable payment methods, add or remove a credit card, and how to order a playtest
Automatically copy in your finance team when you receive new invoicesMake sure your accountant gets the information they need
Change your billing informationEdit your PlaytestCloud billing information