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Playtest Setup

For when you need a helping hand setting up your playtest
How to order a playtest with Steam keysShare Steam keys to give players access to your game on Steam
How to order a playtest with a game folder or installerDistribute your game directly to players, allowing them to experience it on their own Windows computers.
How to playtest a Steam game on PlaytestCloudLearn how to set up a playtest for your Steam game, whether it’s a released title, an unreleased game, a Steam playtest, or a demo.
Concept Testing on WindowsConcept Testing Workaround for Windows Using a Presentation Link
How to Run an Internal Test (Smoke Test/Pilot Test) on PlaytestCloudEnsure your game is ready with an internal test before launching a full playtest.
Setting up your first playtestHow to set up your first playtest – from start to finish
Playtesting multiple sessions of gameplayMulti-session playtesting guide
How do I set up a kids playtest?Here's where you'll find out how to set up a playtest with kids.
How to set up a multiplayer playtestMultiplayer playtesting with PlaytestCloud
How do I set up a concept test?Here we'll tell you how to add slides, configure them and what file types we support.
Playtesting multiple days of gameplayLongitudinal playtesting guide
Is there a recommended size for images used in my survey?When developing a survey, the maximum image file size we can support is 1500px (3MB) wide for tablets and mobiles.
How do I structure my playtests?This is where you'll see how to set up the playtest sessions on PlaytestCloud.
Uploading your game to PlaytestCloudRead what format your iOS, Android and Browser games have to be in for a playtest
Where do I find the survey results?You can view the survey results in the video player and download them on the playtest page.
How do I target players from previous playtests?Re-invite players that have participated in your previous playtests to a new playtest using the retargeting players feature
How can I setup playtests without audioHow to run playtests with no audio recording
How do I set the target audience for my playtest?Here's where you can tell us exactly who you want to playtest your game.
Targeting Players by Gaming HistoryLearn how to target the right playtesters for your game by selecting specific games and game genres players like or are inexperienced with.
How do I target special audiences and what does it cost?Learn about special player targeting and feasibility checks
Playtesting on higher-performance iOS devicesRequest playtests on specific – higher performance – iOS devices
Playtesting on high-performance Android devicesRequest playtests with high-performance Android devices
How to set up a playtest for players on phones onlyRequest playtests with players using phones, excluding players using tablets
How to set up a playtest for players on tablets onlyRequest playtests with players using tablets, excluding players using phones
Playtesting your prototype with Adobe XDSetup a playtest with your Adobe XD prototype
Playtests with FigmaHow to set up a prototype playtest using Figma
Playtesting your Marvel prototypeSetup a playtest with your Marvel prototype
Playtesting your prototype with PrincipleTesting interactive prototypes built in Principle isn’t possible, but there are alternatives if you can export the prototype as a video.
Playtesting your prototypeSetup a playtest with your prototype
Which recording system will my playtest use?Most playtests will be conducted using a secure build downloaded via our platform. Competitor Playtests use the PlaytestCloud app.
Do I have access to Competitor Testing?You can determine if you have access to the Competitor Testing feature by seeing if it is listed under the manage your subscription section
How do I set up a competitor playtest?Peek into what makes your closest rivals successful by running a playtest on a competitor's game even if you don't have a build.
How to test your competitor's games from the App Store, Playstore, or SteamEasily test any competitor's game on iOS, Android, or Windows.
Why is there a red frame around some of my playtest videos?This red frame only shows up in competitor playtests and is reminder to players that everything on their screen is being recorded.
How to playtest a competitor’s game with experienced players?We can find experienced players to participate in a playtest of a competitor’s game. Their in-game progress carries over into the playtest.
How can I test the FTUE (first time user experience) of a competitor's game?Easily watch how your closest rivals successfully onboard players by running a competitor playtest.
How to test App Store / Play Store pagesIf you want to get player feedback on your App Store or Play Store pages, there are multiple options to set this up.
Testing videos, music and trailersIf you want to get player feedback for video clips, songs, or trailers- PlaytestCloud has got you covered!
Playtesting Facebook Messenger GamesHow you can set up your Facebook Messenger game so that it can be tested on PlaytestCloud
The playtest settings don't fit my requirementsSpecial request? You can tell us right from the playtest order form.
Transcripts for your playtestsAutomated transcripts allow you to scan through videos and find interesting points quicker!
How do I run an A/B test?Here's how you can run a playtest where players have two different build to play
Player interviews & Moderated playtests 101An end to end guide on running and managing interviews & moderated playtests
Can I interview the players in my playtest?You can use a built-in messaging system to communicate with the players or chose to interview players after a playtest.
Inviting colleagues to Player Interviews & Moderated playtestsAn explanation of the different ways to invite your team mates to participate in player interviews and moderated playtests
Watching gameplay in a Moderated playtestEverything you need to know about watching a player interact with your game in a Moderated playtest
How to order a Player Interview / Moderated PlaytestHow to order Player Interviews or a Moderated Playtest - from start to finish.
Managing your Player Interview / Moderated PlaytestLearn to understand the status of your interview slots and how to mange them including rescheduling, cancelling, and adding slots.
How to conduct a Player Interview / Moderated PlaytestAn comprehensive guide on how to admit players, interview interface options, camera feeds, screen sharing, and observer mode.
What if the player does not show up or I face issues during the interview/moderated playtest?What to do if a player was a no-show or you encountered other issues during your Player Interview or Moderated Playtest
Analyzing your Player Interview or Moderated Playtest recordings
Player Interviews & Moderated Playtests from the players perspectiveUnderstand the players perspective of interviews and moderated playtests to help you quickly troubleshoot any issues they might encounter.
What are Best Effort playtests?A Best Effort playtest is a playtest where we do our best to provide you with what we can, when facing an uncommon playtest request.
Can I run a playtest with both my iOS and Android build together?Yes! You'll need to set up one playtest on the platform. Then hit "duplicate order" and upload the second build in the duplicated playtest.
Bring Your Own Players (BYOP)For those looking to playtest with players you provide rather than having us recruit the players for you.